Download ZWCAD 2022


  • Link tải trực tiếp:
  • Win 32 hoặc 64 bit

Yêu cầu hệ thống

Operating system Microsoft® Windows XP SP3 and above
Microsoft® Windows Server 2003
Microsoft® Windows Server 2008
Microsoft® Windows Server 2016
Microsoft® Windows Vista
Microsoft® Windows 7
Microsoft® Windows 8
Microsoft® Windows 10
Processor Intel® Core™2 Duo or AMD® Athlon™ X2 CPU or higher
RAM 2 GB or more
Display card 1 GB or more
Hard disk 4 GB free space in OS disk, 2 GB free space in installation disk
Resolution 1440*900 with NVidia 8 series or Radeon HD series or higher
Pointing device Mouse, trackball, or other devices
DVD-ROM Any speed (for installation only)